
林语堂先生教你翻译 "之乎者也"(4)

<< 返回业内先知 2016-10-12来源:口译
Of perfumed flesh and bone and hair. The admirer shant be there when her time is up, And the admired shall no longer care! 《明清小品(下)黛玉葬花诗》 林氏并未逐字翻译,而是运

Of perfumed flesh and bone and hair.

The admirer shan’t be there

when her time is up,

And the admired shall no longer care!


林氏并未逐字翻译,而是运用了意象的转换。Fly,fly,ye faded and broken dreams of fragrance,for the spring is gone!全句无一“花”字,却借faded and broken dreams道尽花谢梦断的悲戚。“榭”、“帘”的意象则转换为screens和stone,两词压头韵,读来上口,且柳絮落于石上,也合乎逻辑。kiss一字来译“扑”实在是妙译,展现出了柳絮翻飞飘落的轻盈灵动,译出了原诗的动态美感。林氏译文用字虽与原文字面有所差别,然所呈现出之意境却与原诗悲戚缠绵之情全然相应,未损分毫,最末四句更是将玉殒香消人不知的凄恻之情推向高潮,英文读来也让人不禁泪下。





For to have a territory is to have something great. He who has something great must not

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