

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-03来源:口译


  网上求职 hunting for a Job on Internet

  网瘾 Internet addict ion (Chinese doctors have officially defined Internet addiction as an ailment. Net users are classified as meet ing the definit ion of addiction when they spend 6 hours or more per day online for more than 3 months and exhibit at least one symptom including having trouble sleeping or concentrating, yearning to be online, irritat ion, and mental distress. 近日,中国医学界正式将"网瘾"诊断标准化。网瘾症状界定有 7 项标准,其中一项是,平均每天连续使用网络达到或超过 6 小时,而且持续达到或超 过 3 个月。其余症状还有:失眠或注意力 >不集中;总是想着去上网;暴躁;精神忧郁等。)

  完善候选人提名制 to improve the system for nominating candidates

  慰安妇 comfort woman

  尾巴工程 tail construction

  尾巴污染物 pollutants in automobile exhaust

  微 博 micro-blogging (Hu Shuli, editor-in-chief of China's leading financial= magazine Caijing, has resigned, said Caijing spokeswoman Zhang Lihui on her micro-blogging Monday afternoon. 中国最具影响力的财经类杂志《财经》女发言人张立晖本周一中午在微博上透露,该杂志主编胡舒立已经辞职。)

  《围城》 A Surrounded City

  维持关税 preserving duties

  违法占用土地 illegal appropriation of farmland

  违反合同 breach of contract

  危房 dilapidated building

  伟哥 Viagra

  围攻 converging attacks

  微观搞活 micro-economic flexibility

  为国争光 win honors for one's country

  维护人权和不断 改善人权 状况 safeguard human rights and steadily improve the human rights situation

  维护市场公平竞争 protect fair competition in the market

  危机感 crisis awareness

  伪君子 hypocrite; a wo lf in sheep's clothing
