网络水军 online ‘water army’ (Several chat groups on QQ, the instant messaging service, have even become mini-trading centers where PR firms regularly advertise for paid posters, otherwise known as shuijun, the "water army". 一些QQ 聊天群甚至成为了小型的交易中心,公关公司定期在这儿发帖,招募“水军”。)
网络推手 Internet marketer (Although this seems like luck, analysts say these people are often the clients - and sometimes vict ims - of so-called tui shou, Internet marketers who stand to earn big money by thrusting them into the limelight. (这些人 走红)看上去好 像是因为运气 ,不过分析人 士指出,这些 人通常是网络推手的客户,有时是网络推手的受害者。让这些人成为公众注意的焦点,是网络推手获取巨额利润的手段。)
网络文学 net literature
网络虚拟财产 online virtual assets (After publishing the White Paper of Public Services of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, Shenzhen has become the first city in Guangdong province to introduce concrete policies to protect residents' online virtual assets. 深圳市发布《深圳市公安局公共服务白皮书》,成为广东省首个引入具体政策来保护居民网络虚拟财产的城市。)
网络议价师 net bargainer (A middleman will - for a cut of the discount they get you - bargain on your behalf for lower prices with e-retailers. They are called "net bargainers," and the service is booming amid China's fast-growing online-shopping industry. “中间人”会代表你 和网络经销商讨价还价, 而他们则从差价中收取一部分作为报酬。这些人就是“网络议价师”,他们提供的服务在中国快速发展的网购行业中日渐兴盛。)
网络瘾 cyberaddiction. (In this article we will give you a brief explanation about Cyberaddiction . 在 这 篇 文 章 里 我 们 会 给 你 简 要 地 介 绍 一 下 网 络 成 瘾)网 络 战 cyber warfare (US military officials seeking to boost the nation's cyber warfare capabilities are looking beyond defending the Internet: They are developing ways to launch virtual attacks on enemies. 意图增强美国网络作战能力的美军官员目的不仅是增强网络防卫能力,而是想方设法策划对敌发动网络攻击。)
网民 netizen; net cit izen; cyber cit izen
网上冲浪 surf the Internet
网上交易平台 online trading platform
网上书店 online bookstore
网上葬礼 online funeral (Online funerals or burials would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize the deceased by posting an obituary and funeral messages. 网上葬礼不会保留骨灰,而是建立一个网上墓地,通过发布讣闻和悼念信息来纪念死者。)
网上诊疗 Online clinics (The online business of diagnosis and treatment will stop next month when fines of more than RMB 10000 may be imposed for the illegal provision of medical informat ion online. 从下月起“叫停”网上诊断和治疗活动,对非法提供网上医疗信息者可能罚款万元以上。)
往事如风 "The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.; What in past, is past."
忘我精神 spirit of self- sacrifice
旺销季节 peak sales period;peak selling period
网友 net friend
网游监护 online guardianship (Some parents think the application process for the online guardianship is too complicated. 有部分家长认为,申请网游监护的过程过于繁琐。)