

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-03-28来源:口译

  扩大直接融资 expand the scope of direct financing

  跨国恐怖组织 transnational terrorist groups

  快餐 fast food; MRE (meals ready to eat)

  快递 express delivery

  会计电算化 accounting computerization

  快镜头 quick motion

  快 闪 族 flash mob (Liverpool Street Station, one of London's largest railway stations was forced to close for about 90 minutes on Friday evening after a flash mob with over 13,000 people congregated at the same time, dancing to mimic an advert in which 400 actors had been filmed dancing at the station. The police closed the railway station due to fears of overcrowding. 周五晚,超过 13000 人组成的“快闪族”聚集在伦敦最大的车站之一——利物浦车站,模仿一段广告中 400 演员同时起舞的情景。警方担心出现踩踏,将车站关闭了 90 分钟。)

  快速反应部队 rapid response force

  快速立法 fast track

  快速通道 fast track

  快速消费品 fast-moving consumer goods

  快讯 news flash; flash

  快译通 electronic dictionary

  快车线路 express line

  快递公司 courier (Courier giant UPS announced Tuesday it expected to deliver more than 19m items for the ongoing Olympic Games. 快递巨头 UPS12 日称,预计将为北京奥运递送货物逾 1900 万件。)

  快捷图标 shortcut icon

  快乐男声(比赛) Happy Boy

  快速拨号 speed dial

  宽带(ADSL 技术即非对称数字用户环路技术) ADSL(Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)

  宽带接入 broadband access

  宽带接入网 broadband access network

  宽带网 broadband networks
