资产泡沫 asset bubble (With Chinese banks' record new lending in 2009 igniting fears about asset bubbles and bad loan, the banking regulator's latest rules aim to bring financial risk under control. 2009 年中国银行业刷新了贷款纪录,这一形势引发了人们对资产泡沫和不良贷款的担忧,而银行监管部门新近制定的法规,其目标就是为了防控金融风险。)
资产评估 asset assessment
资产调控 assets control
资产置换 replacement of assets
资产置换 assets swap
自产自销 sell what one produces; self-marketing
子弹头列车 bullet train
自动倒闭 voluntary bankruptcy
自动柜员机 automatic teller machine (ATM)
自发罢工,野猫式罢工(未经工会批准的罢工) wildcat strikes
自费留学 go to study abroad at one's own expense
自费研究生 self-supporting graduate student
子公司 sunsidiary company
自画像 self-portrait (One of the paintings appears to be Hitler’s self-portrait. 其中一幅被疑是希特勒的自画像。)
资金到位 fully funded (project)
资金划拨 capital allocat ion
资金汇划 fund remittance and transfer
自控系统 robot control system(RCS)
自留地 land set aside for peasants to cultivate for private use
自留山 hilly land allotted for private use
自律机制 the self-discipline system
姊妹楼, 又称双子座, 美国世贸中心的主要建筑 twin towers
自媒体 We-Media ("We live in the era of We-Media, which means everyone can create new words and make them popular through BBS or micro blogs," said Li Yuming, the director of the department of language informat ion administration under the Ministry of Education and vice-president of the commission. 教育部语言文字信息管理司司长、国家语委副主任李宇明说:“我们正处在‘自媒体时代’,这意味着每个人都可以创造新词,通过论坛或者微博使之流行起来。”)