

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-03-20来源:口译

  商业街 commercial street; business district

  商业网点和设施 commodity network and facility

  商业网点 commodity network

  商业信贷原则 principles for commercial credit

  商业预测 business forecasting

  上有天堂,下有苏杭 "Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth."

  上访者 petitioner (Authorities in Gansu have put the protest under control after a group of petitioners attacked local government buildings Monday night. 17 日晚,甘肃省陇南发生上访者冲击市委机关群体性事件,目前事态已得到控制。)

  上火 suffer from too much internal heat

  上门服务 visit ing service

  商务出境 outbound tour for commercial affairs

  上证指数(上海证券交易所指数) SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composite Index

  哨兵 sentry. (A sentry on duty outside a garrison in Gaoxin District of Chongqing was shot dead by unidentified attacker(s). 位于重庆市高新区的某驻渝部队营房哨兵遭持枪歹徒袭击身亡。)

  扫黄运动 anti-porn drive

  少林功夫 Shaolin Kung Fu. (Shaolin Kung Fu will be featured in a cultural event held by the United Nat ions Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris in May, the China News Service reported Monday.据中新社16 日报道,今年 5 月,联合国教科文组织将在总部巴黎举办"文化多样性活动周",中国少林功夫应邀参加。)

  少 数 服 从 多 数 、 下 级 服 从 上 级 、 局 部 服 从 全 体 、 全 党 服 从 中 央 "the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee "

  少数民族地区 regions inhabited by ethnic groups

  社保体系 social welfare system (China plans to invest 5.74 trillion yuan by 2020 in building an all-round social welfare system to enhance people's livelihoods, according to the China Development Research Foundation, a government think-tank. 政府智囊机构中国发展研究基金会表示,我国计划在 2020 年前投入 5.74 万亿人民币用于建设覆盖城乡的社会保障体系,提高人民的生活水平。)

  社会保障制度 social security system

  社会保障支出 expenditure for social security
