山姆大叔 Uncle Sam
煽情 arouse one's enthusiasm or fervor
山体滑坡 mountain landslide
闪存卡 flash memory card
商办工业企业 industrial enterprises run by commercial units
上班时间 office hour
商标冒用 trade mark infringement
商标条款 brand clause
商标专利权 exclusive right to use trademark
商潮 business wave
上岗 go to one's post; go on duty
上岗证 work license
上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
上海合作组织秘书处 Secretariat of Shanghai Cooperation Organization
上海五国第六次峰会 the sixth summit of Shanghai Five
上海五国机制 the Shanghai Five mechanism
商检局 Commodity Inspection Bureau
商界 the business circle 上马 start a project
上门服务 door-to-door service
上门推销员 knocker
商品步行街 shopping mall
商品储备 commodity supply
商品房 commercial residential building
商品房空置 the vacancy problem in commercial housing