参考译文 Jane Austens novels depict mainly trivial matters concerning the daily life, loves and marriages about a few households. Thus quite a number of Chinese readers wonder why she enjoys such
Jane Austen’s novels depict mainly trivial matters concerning the daily life, loves and marriages about a few households. Thus quite a number of Chinese readers wonder why she enjoys such a prestigious reputation in the west. But the depth of penetration and the artistic and ideological strength of a novel really do not depend on the importance of its subject matter. In fact, Austen’s works have been compared to olives: the more you chew them, the better the taste; not only because her language was full of splendor and her writing made creative contribution to the development of the art of novel, but because her light and lively narration was neither superficial nor transparent as it seemed. As Mrs. Smith once put, women writers have an inclination to reshape the existing value and order and change people’s views on matters of “importance” and “triviality”. Maybe Austen’s novel can teach us how to switch our angles of perspectives, helping us perceive matters of no small significance embraced in the narration of those “bagatelles”