

<< 返回培训资讯 2017-04-06来源:口译
促进对外贸易多元化 diversify our trading partners ; promote the diversificationof foreign trade 促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy 促销 promote sales ;
促进对外贸易多元化 diversify our trading partners promote the diversificationof foreign trade

促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy

促销 promote sales promotion

催泪弹 tear gas

存储能力 storage capacity

存款保证金 guaranty money for deposits

存款单 Certificates of Deposits

存款准备金制度 reserve against deposit system

存量资本 stock of capital

搭错车 follow a wrong train join in a wrong group follow a wrong examplewrong act because of wrong judgement or rash imitation

搭售 conditional sale tie-in sale

搭送 throw in

达标活动 target hitting activities

答谢宴会 return banquet

打白条 issue IOU
