

<< 返回培训资讯 2017-04-06来源:口译
; parties participating in the government decision-making process 餐巾纸 napkin 餐桌转盘 Lazy Susan 惨淡经营 work hard and carefully to keep ones business going 仓储式超市 stockroom-
 parties participating in the government decision-making process

餐巾纸 napkin

餐桌转盘 Lazy Susan

惨淡经营 work hard and carefully to keep one's business going

仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket

藏书票 book labels identifying a collector or collection

藏学 Tibetology

操办 make arrangements

操纵股票市场 manipulate the stock market

操作系统 operating system

草根工业 grass root industry refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wold grass

草药 herbal medicine

侧记 sidelights

层层转包和违法分包 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting

查房 make/go the rounds of the wards

查封 close down
