

<< 返回培训资讯 2017-08-09来源:口译
告诉才处理的案件 case accepted at complaint 二审案件 case of trial of second insurance 合议庭 collegial panel 独任庭 sole-judge bench 独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator 检察官 procurator 代理审判员 acting judge 复查
告诉才处理的案件  case accepted at complaint  
二审案件  case of trial of second insurance
合议庭  collegial panel
独任庭  sole-judge bench  
独任仲裁员  sole arbitrator
检察官  procurator
代理审判员  acting judge
复查  reexamination  
复验  reinspect  
核对诉讼当事人身份  check identity of litigious parties
附带民事诉讼案件  a collateral civil action
答辩陈述书  statement of defence
反诉答辩状  answer with counterclaim
举证责任  burden of proof
法定证据  statutory legal evidence
法律文书  legal instruments/papers
出示的证据  exhibit
传唤   call
调查笔录  record of investigation
决定书  decision  
裁定书  order; ruling
裁决书  award
案件发回  remand a case
案情陈述书  statement of case
辩护律师  defense lawyer
保全措施申请书  application for protective measures
辩论阶段  stage of court debate
鉴定结论  expert conclusion  
被告人最后陈述  final statement of the accused
被告向原告第二次答辩  rejoinder
径行判决  direct adjudication without sessions
被上诉人  respondent
当庭宣判  pronouncement of sentence in court
驳回请求  deny a motion
驳回上诉维持原判  dismiss the appeal and sustain the original ruling
驳回诉讼  dismiss an action
驳回通知书  notice of dismissal
补充答辩  supplementary answer
补充侦查  supplementary investigation
财产保全申请书  application for attachment
采信的证据  admitted evidence
定罪证据  incriminating evidence
撤销原判,发回重审 rescind the original judgement and remand the case to the original court for retrial
